4. V1 bomb

View of the area before the 1944 bomb (47kb)

View of the bomb damage to Sainsbury's and the Scotch Wool Shop (Photograph A) (79kb)

Rubble in foreground are nos 37-45. Across the road nos 32 - 40 damaged or destroyed (Photograph B) (95kb)

Plan for above photographs (18kb)

A year and three days later, on Wednesday 12 July 1944, a flying bomb fell onto the rubble of the London Road shop.

It landed at 7.30am and caused widespread damage to 400 houses, shops and offices. A number were completely destroyed, including Sainsbury's shop.

Three people died and 41 were injured. Casualties would have been much greater if the raid had been later in the day.

Animation of the effects of the V1 bomb on the branch(117kb.)

1. V1 bomb lands near the shop, July 12 1944. (814 Kb) 1min 24secs

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