Conversion Chart

Imperial (Avoirdupois) Weights
16 Drams = 1 Ounce (oz) (437.5 grains)¹
16 ozs = 1 Pound (lb.) (7,000 grains)
14 lbs = 1 Stone
28 lbs = 1 Quarter
112 lbs = 1 Hundredweight (cwt)
20 cwts = 1 ton
¹ A grain is the same in all weights.
Page from the 1911 
catalogue of Herbert & Sons, Scale & Weighing Machine Manufacturers.
Page from the 1911 catalogue of Herbert & Sons, Scale & Weighing Machine Manufacturers. (52Kb)

Measures of Capacity
1 Minim (m) = 1 Drop
1 Dram = 1 Teaspoonful
2 Drams = 1 Dessertspoonful
4 Drams = 1 Tablespoonful
60 Minims (m) = 1 Dram
8 Dram = 1 Ounce
20 Ounces = 1 Pint
4 Gills* = 1 Pint
2 Pints = 1 Quart
2 Quarts = 1 Pottle
4 Quarts = 1 Gallon
2 Gallons = 1 Peck
4 Pecks (8 gals) = 1 Bushel
2 Bushels = 1 Strike
3 Bushels = 1 Sack
4 Bushels = 1 Coomb
8 Bushels = 1 Quarter
12 Sacks = 1 Chaldron
5 Quarters = 1 Wey or Load
10 Quarters = 1 Last
* In London the gill was often called 'quartern.' In the North of England half a pint was called a gill and the true gill a 'nogging.'
Greengrocers Measures
Apples 1 Peck = 16 lbs
Beans 1 Peck =  9 lbs
Beans (French) 1 Peck = 10 lbs
Cherries 1 Peck = 18 lbs
Damsons 1 Peck = 16 lbs
Gooseberries 1 Peck = 16 lbs
Onions 1 Peck = 16 lbs
Pears 1 Peck = 18 lbs
Plums 1 Peck = 18 lbs
Potatoes 1 Peck = 20 lbs
Turnips 1 Peck = 16 lbs


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