Help Desk

Using this site:
need to have Java enabled to be able to fully utilise this site. Begin by
returning to the floor plan you just came from and move your mouse over it. You
should see colours change and words appear on certain areas. If you do not, then
you need to enable Javascript. This can be done by accessing the 'preferences'
(Netscape) or 'Internet options' (Internet Explorer).
Please note that any image with a grey bar
underneath can be clicked to see a larger one. Where very large images can be seen their size in Kb is noted in the bar.
If you experience problems loading an image then please click on its grey bar. Don't forget to close the images once you have finished looking at them - otherwise your computer will become
slower, as more memory is taken up by the images.
For Teachers:
To get to the worksheets quickly,
while viewing the plan, click on the stairs and go to the 'Teachers' Zone', or
just click below and then on the 'download' button on the side bar menu when in
the Teachers' Zone.
Teachers' Zone
museum is divided into two floors. You can exit each gallery and go back to each
floor by clicking on the Sainsbury 'back' buton. The only gallery where this is not the case is the
Children's Gallery where you must be at the front page to come out and go back into the rest of the museum.
Contact Us:
you would like to contact Sainsbury's archives then please see Harry at
reception, ('Ask Harry'). Please note that the real Archive is not open to members of the public,
and please enjoy your visit to our Virtual Museum instead.
Copyright J Sainsbury plc, 2000