When oranges are one penny each, how many can I buy for sixpence? If twopence each, how many can I buy; and if threepence each, how many can I buy for sixpence?
How many penny stamps can I buy for fivepence? How many halfpenny stamps for twopence?
John has twopence; how much must I give him to make fivepence? If he buys a penny ball and a pennyworth of marbles, how much money will he have left?
An egg cost three halfpence; what is the cost of three eggs? How many eggs can I buy for threepence at the same price?
Annie carried sixpence to the shop to buy a pound of rice at twopence and a pound of sugar at threepence; what change ought she to receive?
From: Elementary Arithmetic and How to Teach it
By George Ricks, Published by William Isbister Ltd, London, 1879